Employees Turn Out in Big Numbers for National Volunteer Week

Our Ford family came together to give back to our communities during National Volunteer Week, with nearly 500 employees from across the country celebrating their support for dozens of projects focused on food security and disaster relief. And the great news is Ford volunteers spent 1300 hours in the community this year, far surpassing last year's record of 620 volunteer hours!


Kicking off the week at Gleaners Community Food Bank in Detroit, Mary Culler, Ford Philanthropy's President, along with Ford employees, packed more than 15,000 pounds of food, and 12,000 meals for Michigan families. As Mary shared, "Giving back has long been at the heart of Ford's purpose to build a better world, and it's always so inspiring to see our employee volunteers out in the community, sharing their time, talents and passion. I'm proud of the impact we're making together – during National Volunteer Week and throughout the year – in all the communities where we live and work. When we talk about Ford Philanthropy's mission to move people forward and upward, this is what it's all about."

And our impact didn't stop there. Ford employees led remote projects in six locations: Houston, Austin, Dallas, Miami, Philadelphia and Rhode Island. Teaming up with Feeding America, volunteers packed bags and pallets of fresh produce, ensuring thousands of meals for our neighbors facing food insecurity.

"I am proud of our success and the remarkable teamwork we've shown for our community," said John Cable, Sales Performance Manager, who volunteered in Houston with a team of 32 Ford employees. Together, they packed more than 24,000 pounds of food, enough to create nearly 20,000 meals.  

Our commitment to disaster relief was equally inspiring. Joining forces with long-time partner Team Rubicon, our employees lent a helping hand in Houston, Texas; Memphis, Tennessee; Grosse Ile and Pontiac, Michigan; and Charlotte, North Carolina. Jen Perry, Product Owner-CVDH, shared her experience setting up Team Rubicon's supply trailer, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a dedicated team. "Thank you to Ford for encouraging me to spend my time with Team Rubicon and inspiring me to consider volunteering on my own time," said Jen.

As we close out another successful year of National Volunteer Week, the Ford Volunteer Corps is expanding programming that aligns with our employees' volunteer interests and experiences. If you're interested in learning more about the Ford Volunteer Corps or how to apply for up to 16 hours of paid community service, reach out to us at volunteer@ford.com. Together, we can continue making a difference in the lives of others and our Ford communities.